Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Nationals vs the Whacks.

 Most of you know that from mid-February to mid-May I was working as the front desk receptionist at Volunteers of America (I was technically a temp but they kept me on until they found someone more permanent). While I was there I made some great friends out of my boss and co-workers. We all decided to go to a Nationals game together. I WAS SO FREAKIN EXCITED! 

We had phenomenal front row left field seats.(incidentally directly behind Bryce Harpers position...hmmm... for those of you who are unfamiliar with that name- Bryce Harper is 19 years old and on the Nationals baseball time. He's earned his spot there too, he's a phenomenal player. When I saw him I said I'd marry him if it turned out he was Mormon...huge news folks. HE IS! Haha), the game was on a dollar dog day AND I got to meet the Nationals Mascot! Abraham Lincoln. It was a total blast:) I was really confused for the first part of the game though because the Diamondbacks shirts all said Whacks on the front of them. When I asked my coworker, he said it said D-Backs...yes I am just that blonde apparently. 

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