Sunday, September 2, 2012

Love freakin ROCKS!

Hey everyone, sorry it's been awhile. On April 23 I started dating Aaron and dropped off the face of the planet. Now I'm back and ready to roll, first things first- I HAVE A BOYFRIEND! His name is Aaron Whittle, we've been friends for the last 3 1/2 years and started talking about dating on Valentines Day of all things. He lives in Utah and, after months of talking and than a couple dates when I went to Utah to graduate, we chose to give it a shot. I spent my summer in Utah with him and it was amazing. By the end of the summer we chose to continue the relationship long distance and I couldn't be happier. We do a lot of skyping, texting, talking, and e-mailing (thank heaven for technology), along with sending each other letters and packages. He makes me so unbelievably happy. Love freakin rocks.

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