Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bible Bashing and ROBERT!!!

So the last couple days have been busy and eventful to say the least. The next day (28th) after my flight was cancelled I flew out from Salt Lake City to Minneapolis, on it I was seated next to a Episcopalian Pastors wife (Jenny) and a Pentecostal Pastors son (Ken) who were very eager to "save me" so to speak. They were very genuine and sweet in their efforts to save my soul, feeling like we were meant to meet on this airplane. Little did they know what they asked for when they began our conversation. None of their arguments (and they were attempting to prove to me my church was wrong) were very solid, and I found that they simply ignored much of what I had to say. They repeated that I was a good person, and very "believable", by the end of the conversation Ken was convinced that I was sent by the devil to tempt him into believing the Church (he said I'd almost convinced him). I wasn't trying to convince anyone of anything, mostly I just wanted them to understand that I loved my church and there wasn't another one for me. I promised Jenny that I would read the book of John and Romans with her over the next month (even though I have read them several times before and mentioned this to her), and I am hoping that if I do this for her she will read some of the Book of Mormon for me (we exchanged e-mails). After an entire 2.5 hours was spent arguing, our flight was over I felt exhausted but happy about the interaction.

When I got on my next flight I got an AWESOME surprise, I was in first class on my flight from Minneapolis to DC. And when they say first class they mean it, I felt like I was royalty or something. A small cloth for my tray was laid down for me, I had a complimentary feast of beef, potatoes, bread sticks, fruit etc, I was drinking from a glass, they gave us a warm towel (for what I don't know, I politely declined), and served everything to us like we were at a restaurant. With the extra leg room, pillow, blanket and my book I was one happy little queen let me tell you- I LOVE Delta. After I landed I got in my first cab, my cabby was Pakistani and did not speak English, which worried me at first but I got here safely and he didn't try to cheat me at all by taking unnecessary turns. My apartment is wonderful!! You can see the pentagon from my window, the living room is huge and I am in the master bedroom!!

My first day in DC we rode the metro to the National Mall (where the Smithsonian, Washington Monument, Capital Building etc is) and at one of our stops something interesting happened. Someone was robbed. What I saw was a little boy, about 10, sprint through the metro station we were at, he was followed by a black woman carrying a heavy backpack who was trying to catch him, who was followed by a white lady speed walking to try to catch the little kid-she was screaming "Robert!! Robert!!" or at least thats what I thought. I found out soon after she was yelling robber and had been robbed. (Sidenote the DC metro is very safe, this was an unusual occurrence). I know I shouldn't find it too funny, but I really did watching the line of people try to plow through after this speedy little dude made me chuckle. After arriving at the National Mall we went to the National Gallery of Art! It was fun, my favorite part was seeing the Genevere De something, its a painting by Leonardo Da Vinci, the only one in fact that he painted in the United States. I also have since visited the Library of Congress, ate lunch at the Union Station and taken pictures outside the Capitol Building (we plan on touring it soon).

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