Sunday, November 4, 2012

Living the Hurrican Life

Hey all! So not much has really changed since I last posted, other than surviving a HURRICANE! Everyone's fine here, we stocked up on water (although I got stuck with juice and vitamin waters since all the water was sold out- woops!) and basically cooked the whole weekend. We never lost power and Washington D.C. didn't get hit super bad. Someone in our ward lost power for 12 hours but that's the worst I've heard.

While under the reign of this Hurricane Sandy (or Frankenstorm as the locals are so affectionately calling it) I went a little stir crazy, after about 3 hours I literally had nothing to do. I had finished all my work stuff on Saturday anticipating no power and had cooked my meals for the week as well (vegetable packed Cheese Tortellini soup-a ton of it). I finally decided to deep clean my bedroom and bathroom, but after that I became Crazy Hurricane Heather. I took tons of not so great pictures, since during a hurricane you literally can't see anything going on outside. I also bugged my oh so wonderful boyfriend to death with texts and ridiculous phone calls (a few were made while hanging upside down on a couch downstairs), while my roommates bustled about cooking random goodies (pretty sure I gained 5lbs from this extended weekend). Stayed in sweats and jammies the whole time, and at one point even stared at the neighbors (as you can see above). One cool thing, it snowed! Or sleeted I guess is the more appropriate term. As you can see by the white things floating in the elegant picture on the right.

 Ahhhh the hurricane life...

1 comment:

  1. What? No pictures of the misfit bedroom window that refused to close?
