Saturday, November 26, 2011

Its been a long time...

Hey lo errrrrbody!! Sorry its been over a month since I have updated this thing. Life has been crazy busy! I am now teaching full time in my classroom, thats right everyday all day long I am in charge of those little munchkins educations and I LOVE IT!! My time has pretty much been occupied with lesson plans, chart paper, markers, construction paper and star student awards for the last 4 weeks. My kids are wonderful, I just wish I was their real teacher and wouldn't be leaving at the end of the semester. I'm probably going to be a mess when that happens. (In the picture on the left I am touching a tree that George Washington himself planted at mount vernon!!!)

I have taken three small breaks in the last 4 weeks to go and do fun things. One of which was to go and see Breaking Dawn (not the midnight showing because, hullooo I'm a teacher! I gots to get up early for the children!) on opening night with my wonderful roommates Shaylyn, Joyce, Lene, and Joyce's friend Laura! The evening began with a visit to Chick-fil-A (if you've never been you need to go, their chicken nuggets are delicious. PLUS they say "My pleasure" everytime you say thank you!! Its the best service ever haha). Than we took an adventure to find the theatre in Georgetown that I so intelligently chose. After wandering over and under highways we found our theatre in a small hidden pocket. The movie was fantastic, the best Twilight film by far. Afterwards we went to Serendipity (not the one from the movie, that ones in New York but it was still super cool and delicious). Its probably the most random restaurant you've ever seen in your life. Theres a random chair hanging from the ceiling and a statue of Abraham Lincoln drinking a frozen hot chocolate (something they are famous for). Me and Shay split a deep fried oreo sundae and were deliciously satisfied (although I have to say I felt my heart clogging up as I ate it so I don't know if I'll be doing that again anytime soon).

We also went to Mount Vernon! Its George Washingtons house, although house doesn't really quite capture it. The estate is huge! And his "house" is more like a mansion. There was probably like 20 or more buildings on it besides the mansion (to house slaves, prepare food, boil iron or whatever you do, and salt meat etc). My favorite part by far was his back porch (the view is pictured above) or the dock on the edge of the river. both views were breath taking and peaceful. I could definitely understand why he loved it there so much after seeing so much horror. While touring the estate we came to George Washingtons tomb and we had to wait patiently in line...why you might ask? Oh just because the first lady of Portugal was having a private tour! She had body guards and everything. That was a pretty neat high light of it all. Afterwards I definitely felt much more appreciative of what George Washington did for our country. He was amazing, and blessed to lead this country into its birth. It was a fantastic but exhausting day.

Than, of course, there has been Thanksgiving break. It has been very relaxing. To say that I needed some down time would be an understatement- and so I took it. Me and my roomies made the most delicious thanksgiving dinner ever and have been eating leftovers constantly since. We made the turkey and stuffing even! AND IT TURNED OUT REALLY WELL! Probably due to Lene's artistry with the butter and seasonings on Charlie (I named him Charlie) Of course we had a little bit of a freak out because the turkeys red dot wasn't popping up after cooking for 4 hours (the thing was only 12 lbs! why so long??) when it was only supposed to cook for 3. Luckily I have relatives who know how to cook (Thanks Gram!!) and can share helpful tips. Our feast included turkey, stuffing, gravy, green bean casserole, corn casserole, jello pretzel deliciousness, mashed potatoes, crescent rolls and home made cranberry sauce. Our desserts were pumpkin pie, apple pie, and cheesecake. After wards we all put on a movie and passed out stretched out on the floor within like 30 minutes. It was a great Thanksgiving feast!

Everythings going really well! I have officially decided I am staying out in DC after I graduate. (Don't worry I'm still coming home for Christmas Break- I'll be out there from Dec 19th-Jan 7th) I've found a private room I am considering renting out next semester in a house, and I'll be substitute teaching until I can find a job. I'm definitely nervous, and freaking out a little bit but it feels right. Out on my own with a bachelors degree in a city where I know almost no one, haha wish me luck and Happy Late Thanksgiving all!!

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