Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Back in DC BABY!!

(The picture above is of me, my sisters and brother-in-law over Christmas Break which was awesome but will have to be covered in a different blog entry. I just didn't want to post a blog without a picture in it)
All right so coming out to a new place can be freaky right? I mean even though I lived out here last semester its different now. I'm living in a house and renting a private room, with roommates I've never met, in a place where, lets be honest, I know almost no one. BUT I have never felt more sure that this is the place where I need to be right now. If I had any doubt in my mind about that fact before I came here its gone now (just 72 hours after moving in). Let me give you a run-down of everything that has happened to me since I was dropped off at the airport in California.

First I get to the airport late and miss my flight but magically there's another one I can take that leaves 3 hours later. Than I check my wallet for my Drivers License, but its disappeared (WHHAAT?! I know I was shocked too)- however apparently a school ID and an insurance card are good enough to get me through security. Than I board a series of planes throughout the day that get me into DC at about 11:00pm (looong day but at least I got there right?), my first worry is that the buses won't be running anymore. I metro to the bus stop and arrive at about 11:30, where the last bus of the evening picks me up and takes me to my humble abode. (Just in time!)

The next morning I know church starts at 8am but how to get there I have no clue, and I have no internet to help me figure it out so I decide to get dressed and start walking to a bus stop so that I can bus to where I used to live and walk from there. On my way a mysterious woman with a green scarf walks by, "She looks dressed for church" I said to myself and so I decide to follow her. A few minutes after I have made this decision she disappears, just moments after I have lost her a car pulls over and asks if I want a ride to church. I recognized the girls from my ward and hopped in. Church was wonderful, it was good to see familiar faces and catch up a little with everyone. At this point however I have almost nothing at my house, I left most of my stuff in DC at two separate locations and I had no way of getting it to my place. I decided I was going to have to just bus to each location and carry it home. But wait! A girl in my ward guesses at my plight (shes wonderful) and offers to drive me to said locations (MIRACLE!).

Now at this point almost all of my problems are solved except for the fact that because I had arrived late the evening before I wasn't able to buy food before Sunday. I decided that I would pay my tithing and fast offering and than just fast for the rest of the day. BUT WAIT I arrive home and meet one of my roommates, Haley, who is going to a friends house for dinner and after talking for quite awhile, and without me telling her I'm in need of food, she invites me along (BEST BURGERS I have ever tasted in my life, they were from Omaha, Nebraska? I guess their known for their steaks and burgers).

So now I'm fed, been to church, have all my stuff, but still no job AND THAN a couple girls at church helped me figure out how to apply to different temp agencies. So I still don't have a job but everything's working out really well. The topping on the cake was reaching into my purse and finding the piece that connects my computer to the internet after it had been lost for months.

In conclusion, I'm meant to be here and I love it here. I live in a private room in a brick duplex (5 bedroom 3 bath), my room is tiny but cozy and I have 4 roommates. I've met all of them and they are fantastic. All very nice, one of which is a nurse so if I'm feeling sick or anything crazy happens health wise I'll have someone I can call on. I am currently just applying for jobs on all fronts (Elementary School positions, my substitute teacher license is on its way to being processed, and I've applied to 4 different temp agencies as well as jobs within those agencies), and am getting settled in. It feels good to be back:)

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