Sunday, December 2, 2012

Aaron and I in DC

So, as many of you know, my boyfriend Aaron came out to visit me for Thanksgiving (did I mention I have the best boyfriend on the planet?). We had an amazing time. An AMAZING time!

We spent our Thanksgiving together cooking ALL DAY, watching BBC documentaries, funny holiday movies and making each other laugh. My favorite thing we made that day, a double decker pumpkin cheesecake. Yes it was as amazing as it sounds.

The next day we went sight seeing. We hit up Arlington Cemetery and watched the changing of the guard and the wreathe ceremony. Aaron and I also discovered the grave of Abraham Lincolns son, Robert Todd Lincoln, as well as one of my relatives headstones. From there we decided to walk across the Potomac River to get to the monuments (yes I said walk, we walked from Arlington Cemetery to the National Mall). It was really beautiful, than we went and saw all the monuments (Washington, Lincoln, World War II, Vietnam, Korean War, White House, National Christmas Tree). We calculated it later on, we walked about 10 miles that day! When we got home I was exhausted, we took a quick nap and than made home made pizza for dinner and watched Emperors New groove.

The next day was our day of museums:) We hit up the Library of Congress, toured the Capitol Building, went through the Air and Space Museum, saw the Natural History Museum, and than dropped by the American History Museum. My favorite part of this day was watching Aaron in the Air and Space Museum. I had no idea how fascinated he was with flight as a kid, and even now. He knew what everything was in that museum without reading the tags. He seriously had a permagrin the entire time, I used a bunch of the stuff he taught me about it all in a lesson the following week with my kids. When we finally arrived home at the end of the day, changed and got ready to out into the city. We went out to Serendipity (it's a famous restaurant in Washington DC, if you've seen the movie you know what I'm talking about), hit up a bookstore and walked around the city streets.

Sunday and Monday were pretty relaxed, I introduced Aaron to quite a few people at church, we cooked pumpkin rolls, played scrabble and a little bit of Nintendo. The weekend was perfect:) I'm so glad he came and I can't wait to see him in 3 weeks!!!


  1. Sounds like you guys had a blast, heather! Very fun! Now, we need to come see you :)

  2. this almost made me cry. your life is close to perfect, heather. :)
