Sunday, March 3, 2013


Well hello there ladies and gents, just another Heather Dawn update for you. As most of you already know, over Christmas break this past year Aaron and I got ENGAGED! Here's the story:

It was the last night before I left for Utah, Aaron had taken the day off work so we could have a date in Salt Lake together (January 5, 2013). We went into the city, parked near the City Creek Mall and walked around temple square. We took a tour of the Conference Center (Why?? Because that's the only way to get to the roof silly!) and found out the roof was closed. After the tour Aaron and I walked around the outside of the Conference Center, took one look at the closed sign leading up to the roof and decided to sneak up there anyways.

We stepped in previous footsteps that were left in the snow so as not to leave a trace and took a look at the view of the city. The Salt Lake Temple on our left and the view of the city at night on our right, Aaron holding me. It was perfect, then suddenly he let go. Wondering why I turned around and there he was on one knee. I was so shocked I almost fell over backwards, luckily he was holding my hand at that moment and steadied me. He said, "Heather I love you. Will you marry me?". I couldn't even speak so my elegant response was, "Uh Huh". He than asked me again and I replied, "Yes of course I will!". I was crying so much I couldn't even see the ring.

We spent the evening calling friends and family, and seeing his brother/sister-in-law Adam and Adrienne who were the first to hear the news in person. It was perfect:)

In these pictures the exact spot where he proposed is the corner of the building to the left of Aarons head:) He loves me:)


  1. heather. i am sorry i have not congratulated you before. but i am truly so happy for you! this might be some of the most amazing news i have heard lately. : ) and, the best thing is: i might be able to come to your wedding. : ) i love you so much. and so excited for you - you deserve all the happiness in the world.
