Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cali, It was good to be home:)

Well after I finished my Student Teaching this last semester I went home to California for 4 weeks. It was wonderful. Because so much happened over break I've decided to put up pictures of my favorite moments.

This was Miss Natalie Mae's Birthday. She requested a red velvet cake with vanilla frosting:) On December 21, 2011 she turned 9 years old.
Than of course we have Christmas!! Here's everyone waiting for mom and dad to come down (SUPER excited to open presents of course), than all dressed up in their Christmas gifts, Natalie and Dad playing with their remote control cars in the kitchen and than there's my mom asleep on the tigers nest in the midst of the chaos. (She had a long night!)
After Christmas we had the BEST DISNEYLAND ADVENTURE ever! WARNING: The following photos may take you on a ride you have never experienced before. Symptoms include dizziness, nausea and insane excitement.About to leave on the Indiana Jones Ride (da na na na, dun da da, da na na na, DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH!!) Honorary Bugs for life SUCKAS! Haha (Inside of Its A Bugs Life) Awaiting Peter Pans Flight (AMAZING!!)

Space Mountain. Best ride hands down!! SO AWESOME!
The Sleeping Beauty Castle (this is also the mote where I lost my phone a couple years before)
The grizzly river run! SO MUCH FUN! (as long as its during the day haha)Waiting outside the Haunted Mansion, ooooooooo!

After Disneyland we went to Jenn and Simons to spend new years AND I have no pictures (I used Dad's camera pretty much the whole time) It was great though, had a little LOTR marathon, ate some onion dip (delicious!!!) and played games. We also did some hiking out in the desert, it was BEAUTIFUL!!

The next milestone of my trip home was going to the BEACH! I only got to go once (even tho I tried to get a group together probably like 6 times) and it was with Sierra and Alyssa!! (THANKS GUYS!!) We saw whales, explored, ate fish and chips and had salt water taffy. It was a delicious day of firsts!
And finally we have my last night in Cali, my wonderful padre took us all out to Olive Garden and than Akio joined us later for X-Men!!
It was a GREAT four weeks at home:) I had a blast!

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