Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A little different...

So, this blog entry is going to be a little different than my usual. Instead of updating you all on my life I am going to share a revelation I had tonight. As you know, I am currently living in DC (more specifically Arlington, VA) and searching for a job. This has given me plenty of time to be home and, lets be honest, on Facebook. Don't get me wrong, I am still applying for jobs like mad but tonight something happened that changed my perspective on something.

An old friend from high school messaged me on Facebook and said "I just wanted to remind you how amazing you are". WOW! Holy unexpected, but what was even more unexpected was how even though this guy has a girlfriend and there's nothing there between us, it made my heart almost leap. Now that little thing having that much affect on me might reveal a little more than I'd like it too about my personal life and dating, BUT it also showed me something.

Women crave appreciation.

That's it. We, as in the entire female sex, want men to recognize us in a positive light. Whether the words are small but meaningful, lavish poems of love (which, as far as I know, I am not a fan of), or a simple thanks for being awesome we love it. It's a fact, we yearn for it without realizing we need it.

Now I would pose a question, is it because of that unrecognized need for appreciation that women will date almost anyone who says "Yer pertty"!? Think about it, how many guys have you dated, or been with, or even thought about being with and why that was. What made you consider (even for a moment) the nerdy guy in your Health class with bad B.O., acne and greasy long hair? Or on the flip side, besides looks, what made you stay with the attractive but lazy guy who uses you for rides or occasional hook ups? Women crave appreciation, and they mistakenly place the guy that's using them under the idea of (drum roll please because we've all said this...) "He needs me..." BAM! Right there. We need to be needed and we'll look for it anywhere.

I think I have just discovered the key to getting a girl (too bad I haven't discovered the key to getting a man yet huh? Sorry ladies). Men you want a girl to like you? Appreciate her in the most gentlemanly, sweet, considerate, INDEPENDENT way possible.

1 comment:

  1. good insight and you will find a legit job soon enough xoxo
