Sunday, March 10, 2013

That We Might "Not...Shrink"

Happy Sabbath Day All:)

This afternoon I had the opportunity to listen to a CES Fireside given this past Sunday, by Elder David A. Bednar entitled, "That We Might Not...Shrink". In the talk Elder Bednar discusses the experience of a young newlywed couple, who found out, just 3 weeks after they'd been sealed in the temple, that John (the husband) had bone cancer. Being that I recently got engaged this caught my attention and I listened closer to the story. While going through treatments the husband requested that Elder Bednar give him a blessing. Elder Bednar consented but asked them if they would first answer a question, he asked if they had the faith to accept the will of the Lord and not be healed. He asked this young couple, if they had the faith to trust in the Lord and accept His will no matter what. Even if that meant that he called John to the Spirit World, through death, at his young age. After quite a bit of thought, John replied that while he did not want to die he would accept the Lords will concerning his condition, even if that meant that he would have to die and leave behind Heather (his wife).

This was a new thought and experience for both of them, to learn to have the faith to NOT be healed. To accept the Lords will without doubt or question. The cancer, mercifully, went into remission and the couple began to live their lives. John finished school and got a job, and then the cancer returned. John immediately turned to the Lord, asking Him to help him understand what it was that the Lord wanted him to learn. He found his answer while reading the New Testament, through the story of when the disciples of Christ were caught in a storm and the Lord slept. They asked him, "Carest thou not?". How often have we all felt like this, "Carest thou not that I'm alone? Carest thou not that my family member is sick? Carest thou not that I am in pain?" and the Lords answer to them was, "Oh ye of little faith". Oh ye of little faith...

Elder Bednar continued to explain that what John had needed to learn was not that the Lord would heal his cancer but that he could. He shared with us all that our faith does not exist to bring about what we want to happen, but what He wants to happen. It is our job to believe that the Lord can do anything, if it is his will. That is the purpose of our faith. That is the purpose of my faith. To accomplish the Lords will and do what he would have me do. This was a humbling realization for me, and it is one that I will continue to ponder.

I'd like to bear my testimony in the Lord Jesus Christ. I know that He lives and loves me, I know that he is aware of me and my daily activities and needs. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and that everything that happens in this life happens for a reason. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints holds the truth of the restored gospel.  I say these things, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing this, heather. i needed to read that right now. : )
