Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Graduated College and GOT A JOB! WHAT?!

Well ladies and gents, welcome to my humble never updated blog. Sorry it's literally been months since I have updated things. Lucky for you, the reason it wasn't updated was because there was a TON going on. And now you get to hear all about these awesome things.  Prepare yourself- this blog update is about to be jam packed with AWESOME news.

First things first, in April I flew out to Utah to walk for Graduation. Now I know some of you are thinking, "Graduation? Didn't she already graduate?"- why yes astute reader of mine, I did graduate in December. Unfortunately there aren't walking ceremonies mid year. You have to wait until April if you want to walk in a ceremony- which I did. Graduation weekend was awesome, my whole family came out, I saw lots of good frineds and when I got my diploma I epically tripped into the person offering it to me. Just kidding:) Haha I didn't trip, I came through it without an embarrassing moment other than I couldn't stop jumping up and down and waving at my family.


Upon returning home I began my job search with a renewed vigor. Determined to find a job by May 30, and if it didn't happen- I planned on moving back to Utah for good. I spent my days e-mailing school after school, attending job fairs, calling to check up on resumes and, when I was very lucky, interviewing. While doing all of this I began a full time nanny job for the remaining weeks I'd be in Washington D.C. The mother who I watched for was really flexible and willing to work with me so she'd let me go for job fairs and interviews without any monetary decrease. She was great (I watched 4 kids under the age of 5 for her, the three oldest were boys 5, 3 1/2 and 2. What I learned here is boys are insane, and patience is vital to raising children). Here are the two oldest.

May 25th rolled around and I attended my last job fair, and at this point I had had very little luck in finding a job. I had found several schools I was interested in but had heard back from almost none. This job fair was quite a bit smaller than the other ones had been, there were only 4 schools, one of which I had already spoken too and the other was only hiring for Early Childhood (I got my degree in Elementary Education, certified for 1-6th grade). After speaking to the two schools I hadn't spoken too yet, I decided to try again with HD Cooke Elementary School- to my surprise they remembered me and schedule an interview for the following Wednesday...which just so happened to be my deadline. I was to teach a mini-lesson to a group of students of my choice (2nd grade) and than an interview would happen directly afterwards.

May 30th rolled around and I prepared a short lesson on homophones. However, upon arriving to the school I was shown to a Kindergarten classroom...and than there were Kindergartner's outside the door. I freaked out, Kindergartners can't read! How in the world was I supposed to teach them about homophones? The Principal walked in and explained why there were Kindergartner's instead of 2nd graders, apparently when they met me they thought I "screamed  Early Childhood" and wanted to see how I worked with that age group. I accepted the challenge, adjusted my lesson, had the interview and GOT THE JOB! I will be a Kindergartner teacher at H.D. Cooke Elementary School this upcoming Fall. 

I'm still in shock about it and have begun preparation for this next year by organizing standards and curriculum. Wish me luck guys!!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you were going to do kindergarten! How cute! That is pretty funny- you just "screamed early childhood" hahaha
